(Image: Crown Media)
Recap Season 5, Episode 3, "Are the Stars Out Tonight?"
When the episode opens, Meg is at the kitchen table arranging flowers. When Bree and Connor come in, they ask her what she is doing. She reminds them that Jess is getting married soon and they need to choose centerpieces.
Mick and Abby come into the kitchen. They’ve received a message from the crew on the Kincaid site that asbestos grounds have been discovered in the pipe. If they have contaminated the soil, it could take a lot of work and a lot of money to fix.
At work, Connor is in a conference discussing a wage discrimination case he is working on. His boss suggests he take Linda, one of the best lawyers at the firm, with him when he goes to court.
Mick and Meg are looking through a shop when Meg finds a painting that she thinks was made by Arthur Driscoll, an artist who was big in the ‘60s but retired from the spotlight in the ‘70s. She buys the painting.

O’Briens in training
At work, Kevin asks his boss — who had an impressive college track career if he will train him for the town’s upcoming triathlon.
Abby is on the phone with one of Evan Kincaid’s employees. She says she needs to speak with Mr. Kincaid immediately.
“This is not how I do business,” she says. “Tell him to call me today or this entire deal is off.”
When she hangs up, she see her uncle Thomas. They chat and he mentions he is looking for a new office space in Baltimore. She suggests one of her father’s properties. She also mentions how her father’s reputation has taken a hit because of the Dilpher lawsuit.

Anything boys can do
In court, Connor successfully argues against a motion to dismiss the wage discrimination lawsuit. When the judge asks him if he thinks women are as strong as men, Connor replies, “When women are presented with a problem they don’t just solve that problem, they think three steps past it.”
Meg is looking at the pairing she bought. She tells Mick that the signature is damaged but that she knows a gallery in New York that might be able to verify it for her. When she calls, Arthur Driscoll himself answers the phone. When Meg asks about the painting, he says, “Good for you. Hang it over your fireplace.”
Then he hangs up.

Too complicated
Mick and Abby are talking when a video call comes in from Evan Kincaid. He is in Newfoundland mountain climbing. He says the asbestos thing sounds bad, so he’s pulling out of the project. Abby tells him that he could certainly build somewhere else, but there’s only one Chesapeake Shores. He asks what Chesapeake Shores is. She tells him it’s where he is building his hotel.
He says they should chat. He suggests the next day. When Abby asks him what time, he tells her never mind, he’ll just come to Chesapeake Shores.

Meanwhile, at the Bridge
Thomas stops by the Bridge, where Mick is trying to fix some electrical issues. He mentions the property Abby suggested. Mick says he is pretty swamped at the moment.
Luke walks in and asks for a job. Mick says that wouldn’t be a problem. Luke offers to look at the electrical issues. It turns out he has some experience in that area.
Mick talks to Abby. He asks her not to offer anything to his brother, Thomas, without talking to him first. He says that he and Thomas are getting along so well that he doesn’t want to ruin things by mixing business with pleasure.

Here comes Evan
The next day, Abby and Mick are waiting at the job site when Evan comes zipping up to them on a hover board. He says he is trying it out because he is thinking about investing in them.
Evan says he plans on hanging around in Chesapeake Shores for a few days. It reminds me of Ireland, where he has a home.
When he leaves, Mick says to Abby, “The rich are different.”
At work, Connor is being congratulated by his colleagues for his success in court. He notices Paul Dilpher going into a conference room with Linda.

The Great Gatsby
Bree is at work discussing her teaching plan with Jerome Trask. She asks him how he ended up in academia. He says he was headed for a career in politics but then he read The Great Gatsby and it changed his life.
Abby gets a call from Evan. He says he is pulling out of the deal. She is furious. She runs into Jay, who helps her calm down.
At work, Connor asks Linda if Paul Dilpher is a client. When she says yes, he asks her if that isn’t a conflict of interest. She says the law firm is big enough that they can take Dilpher’s case without Connor having to be involved.
Meg goes to Arthur Driscoll’s house. When he answers the door, he is unfriendly. When she asks if he did the painting, he says is sorry to say that he did. When he asks her how much she paid for it, she says $8. He tells her she paid too much and closes the door in her face.

Luke’s secret
Luke comes to see Mick. He has forms that need to be sent to his parole officer. Mick is shocked. Luke walks out.
Mick follows him and says that he’s not angry, he’s confused. He says that being in construction, he has employees who have done time. He says some of the best men he knows have gone to prison.
Luke explains that after his parents died he got out of control and drank too much. One night, he got into a fight with another man at a bar. He got three years for assault and battery. Mick says he appreciates Luke’s honesty and that they’ll figure this out together.
Abby tracks down Evan at a miniature golf course. It’s the only kind of golf he plays, he says. She asks him if he enjoys playing the role of eccentric millionaire.
“Billionaire,” he says. “And I was just as eccentric when I was poor but then people just found me annoying.”
She asks him to reconsider pulling out of Chesapeake Shores. He says if he makes his putt, he will consider it. He makes the putt. Abby leaves.

The perfect arrangement
Meg is looking through old photo albums and finds pictures of Mick and Thomas hiking the Appalachian trail. They decide to go hiking that weekend.
Evan stops by the house to talk to Abby. He wants her to ride point on the project. When she points out that her father has more experience in construction, he says she has something he values more.
“You don’t like me,” he says.
He says Abby won’t just tell him what he wants to hear.
“I don’t particularly like you either,” he says. “So we won’t have to worry about offending each other because we’re already offended. It’s the perfect working relationship.”
She says she would invite him in, but she doesn’t want to.
“This is going to be great,” Evan says.